Heart Help for Dogs

Monday 8 November 2021

Can a groin rash heal in 2 days?

 No. A rash of this type doesn't usually heal overnight. However it can heal within a week with a good treatment regimen.

 Quite a few men are affected by red rash in groin area problems that make their regular tasks uncomfortable. This groin rash can take a bit of time to heal, regardless of a man's age or the amount of exercise that they do.


Ensure for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with chf

Sunday 7 November 2021

Feeding tubes after surgery

   If your veterinarian has told you that your cat needs to receive food in liquid form over the long-term, you may have wanted to know how this will be possible. Typically, there are three methods that are usually used to supply your cat with liquid food in the long-term. 


 A tube canelones can go directly into the stomach surgically. Your cat may also be fitted with a tube that goes through the side of their neck and into their esophagus. 

The third alternative is a nasogastric tube which runs through the  nasal passat into the esophagus. Through discussions with your vet, you will decide which is the best option for your cat. 

These options ensure that your cat can receive the nutrition that they need. However, you will always have to feed them liquid food while the tube is in position.


Ensure for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with chf

How to feed liquids to dogs and cats

  There are several ways to give your cat liquid food. If your cat is strong enough, they may be able to lap liquid food on their own. 

However, sometimes after surgery or during an illness, your cat may be too weak to lap liquid food on their own. At times, they may also not want to eat anything at all, so you may have to force feed them. 

In this case it may be necessary to use a syringe to feed them. Your veterinarian will show you how to use a syringe to care for a cat by giving small amounts of liquid food to them.


Ensure for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with chf


Saturday 6 November 2021

What does catnip do to cats?

  The herbs that you include in a sensory garden for your animals will usually also be helpful to you. However, don't automatically assume that every plant that has medicinal benefits for you or for a particular animal in your household will also be safe for every pet in your house. 

Always check to ensure that the herbs that you are including are safe for everyone in your home. Many help both dogs and cats. Catnip is a favorite of cats and it is also safe for dogs.

if your dog suffers from separation anxiety or other forms of anxiety, basil is a good herb to include in your sensory garden because it helps with anxiety. If you have an older dog in your home or a dog that is affected by arthritis even though they're relatively young, basil should also be included. Basil helps with arthritis pain

Catnip can be included in your garden for your own benefit as well as for cats and dogs. Catnip contains a chemical which is similar to another group of chemicals that are found in valerian.

The chemical in catnip is called nepetalactone and it is used by plants as a natural insect repellent. While catnip is safe for your cat, observe how much of it they're using. It can make them high if they use a lot, whether they have fresh catnip, the oil or dried catnip.

Catnip helps with relaxation. If your dog or cat chews on catnip, they'll feel more relaxed. You may also observe that they all become a little bit more playful because they're in a relaxed mood.

However, the exact effect is a little bit different in both of these mammals. When your cat has catnip it acts as a stimulant. When your dog has catnip it acts as a sedative.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Friday 5 November 2021

Blood Pooling in Leg

  Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins in the legs don't work as they should. The veins are designed with valves which work similar to the valves that you would see in a pipe or elsewhere.

 Just as a valve in a pipe should allow water to flow in one direction, the valves that are placed in your legs also should only allow blood to flow in one direction. 

 However, patients with chronic venous insufficiency find that blood is also flowing back ways, so what happens is that excess blood collects in the legs. 

This causes discomfort and even pain. However, it is not regarded as a life-threatening condition.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Thursday 4 November 2021

Does Clinicare contain fats?

  Clinicare liquid meal replacement for cats and dogs can be given to adult dogs during or outside of illness. This is a liquid diet and it can be easily divided into portions, with any unused portion stored in your fridge for the next time that you will need it.

Clinicare supplies cats and dogs with electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. it contains carbohydrates, fats and protein, so  your dog will receive everything that they need to keep them going during a time when they're unable to eat their regular foods.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Treating Heart Conditions

 Elderly dog congestive heart failure treatment can help your dog to live a healthier life. Most dogs that are affected by congestive heart failure are unable to participate in exercise as they normally would.

Treatment consists of medication that alleviates pressure on the heart so that your dog would have been more relaxed. Veterinarians prescribe diuretics as a part of their treatment.